Live Can Be Sweeter Than This!

What can you give to the country? For all this time, I have the concept in my head, but I never take my time to put the details of it until that question had been asked. I tried to look again deep inside of me and found this.

I am a chemist, graduated from Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia. I took a major in Environmental Chemistry and that led me to many research projects related to waste recovery. Sounds boring? I know, but I am kind of enjoy it (haha). Okay, you’re weird. What can I say? This is what people called passion, I guess. When I discover a method that can change a waste into a valuable material, I take delight of it. However, I feel futile because all of those projects only ended up in laboratory or, at best, being published as regional research papers. If that’s the case, how I could give a real solution towards zero-waste and green environment? how I could make a real impact in society to have a better living in healthy environment? Ah, crap! There must be something that I could do about it.

Voila! I decided to pursue a master degree in Chemical Engineering. Thus, I joined a selection process for getting a scholarship. Why in chemical engineering? I did the survey and found that I would be able to learn a pilot plant for deploying a loop-cycle waste management. Thank goodness! I have been granting a scholarship to study energy and material recovery from waste in the University of Leeds, United Kingdom. What an honor!

During a master degree, I acquire a knowledge of converting waste plastics into fuel oils. Indeed, it fortifies my passion. But, again, I could only do the research in the laboratory. I haven’t been given a chance to establish the pilot plant of it. I feel useless once more. From that point, I determine to initiate the loop-cycle waste management by my own. It may establish slowly because I need to collect capitals for it, but surely I strive to make it happens.

Abruptly, the idea is getting bigger. Coming from a plan for household waste treatment, a dairy industry was risen. Geez, how can you think about it? Well, I am just thinking that dairy industry will produce lots of decomposable waste and I can turn them into compost, bio-gas, even electricity. The easiest industry to be a pilot zero-waste industry, hopefully (haha). Additionally, the cows are cute (Lol). Anyway, I hope that this industry can also facilitate the environment where this industry is present to process household waste and guide society to choose to live healthy lives. As a labor intensive industry, I also aspire to contribute to alleviating poverty.  

At this moment, I may not sure how to make that happens. I even think that my way right now doesn’t seem to go to that direction. Yet, The Navigator said that He will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go; He will counsel me as well. So, if a zero-waste industry that I’ve been dreaming of is the best way for me, then let it be. If not, I believe something better awaits for me. I should only be receptive with many opportunities that come to my way. Oh my, live will be sweet!  

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.”
Psalms 32:8
