
Showing posts from July, 2017

I Am Still Standing!

Have you ever feel like you don't belong? Yes, I have. I don't talk that much to people for what I have been through since not everyone would understand the story. Yet, there is a family, Pak Kurniadi and Mam Ambar as well as their three childrens, Billy, Varetta, and Amanda, that I don't mind to share my stories. I hope this writing could please them in some way. On Tuesday, 25 July 2017, Pak Kur's family pays a visit to my home town and we meet up in one of the famous tourist attractions. If you are wondering who they are, well, they are a happy family that I met when I studied in Leeds, United Kingdom. At that time, I pursued a master degree, while Pak Kur joined the PhD. I often spent time with them for either special occassion or just regular visit. When the school holiday came and I was alone in the flat since all of my friends went on a trip, I slept over at their house. So, for me, they are like my family. It has been a year since I graduated and now, Pak K...

I Will be Back Better than I was

On Tuesday, 6 June 2017, I took my time for a walk starting from Gambir Train Station to Kuningan City Mall. Wait, hold on, did you say you go to Kuningan on foot? Yes, I did. Actually, we did, I and my younger brother. Are you guys insane? We were just having fun, in an uncommon way, I guess. From Central Jakarta to South Jakarta within 2 hours and it’s 45 minutes longer than Google Maps predicted. Such an achievement for us (haha). Anyway, it’s not what I am trying to say. When I walked over a bridge, I saw 3 skyscrapers on my right side which made Jakarta looked as modern, fancy, and fabulous as any other capital city. However, on my left side, a river with garbage, plastic bottles, and dark muddy water. It is dirty, polluted, and not a welcome sight. I am not trying to dramatize thing. Yet, indeed, it grieved me. The Skyscrapers on the Right The River on the Left As a chemist which has a major in environmental chemistry, I know the standard parameter for a good, cl...

What If Your Plans Failed

Have you ever been in an unexpected turn in the road of life and you have no choice but to follow it? Because I have. I never mean to be either a researcher or a lecturer, but I have got an offer for a researcher. Do I accept it? Of course I do since it is a lucrative offer from one of the best countries in waste management. For someone with an interest in energy and material recovery from waste, what can be more honorable than this? You may ask, after you finish with that, what will you do?  Well, words ain't even been invented yet. Yeah, finally I quote a saying of Dominic Toretto in Fast and Furious 7 when he speaks to Sean Boswell. Lol. If you have been in this situation too, proverb said it will end up in the place we are supposed to be. Hopefully so. Before getting the lucrative offer, here is what I am dealing with when my plans perish. A steep hazy road laid in front of me.  Stage 1. Blaming others: dad, mam, little brother, even the government, moreover The Creator ...

Marriage: A Curse or A Blessing?

You may ask, where on earth did you get an idea to write about marriage? Even you haven't been married.  I know, it seems like an absurd topic by someone like me, but I feel like my brain's engine is flooded with too many pieces of speculations. So, I decide to complete the puzzle by writing it down. Here it is. Starting from when I got back home after finishing my master degree. One day my mom asked me to buy some essentials in a store nearby. The store owner knows my mom which means she also knows me though I rarely have even a small talk with her. Soon after I set my foot in her store, she asked whether I already have a boyfriend or not and when I will get married. Lol. I was like having a surprise welcoming party. Anyway, I don't feel offended by her rude questions since it is a fact that I am on marriage age, well, at least that's what the regulation in my country states, additionally, almost all of my friends from high school and college have been married...